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Contact Us

Les Landes School

Rue des Cosnets, St Ouen, Jersey JE3 2BJ

Tel: 01534 481013  |  Fax: 01534 481903

Headteacher:  Mrs V Charlesworth
Deputy Headteacher:  Mrs L Webster
School Business Manager / School Secretary:  Mrs S Wiseman

How to find us

How to get to the school

From St Ouen’s Parish Hall travel north-west along the Route de Vinchelez (B55) to the Portinfer crossroads, approximately 1½ miles. Turn left into Rue de la Porte (B56).

At the next crossroads you will see St. George’s Church on the left-hand side. The school is on the left just after the church.

Parking is available on the road outside the school.

The‘unofficial’ one-way system

We have tried to reduce traffic congestion outside the school at the busiest times; dropping off children in the morning and collecting them in the afternoon.

Please help to make the roads near the school as user-friendly and safe as possible:

  1. Use the unofficial one-way traffic system;
  2. Note the NO PARKING zone near the school gates;
  3. Please park considerately along the road. Never park in the churchyard as this is reserved for staff only by kind permission of the church  authorities.