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Extra-Curricular Clubs

UNCRC Article #31 - Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

We offer a range of extra-curricular opportunities to pupils.

Most of our clubs are led by school staff and pupils from year 6, but we invite other clubs and organisations to run sessions for our pupils too. This enables us to provide the widest possible range of activities. We encourage our oldest children to lead clubs, too.

Children who sign up are committed to half a term. This is important so that staff who are giving up their time know numbers in advance.

We will avoid cancelling if at all possible, but will endeavour to give advance warning of cancellation.

Sign up for school led clubs with Mrs Wiseman, contact external clubs directly.

Clubs will run throughout the term until the week before the end of term unless otherwise advised.

External Club Providers 

We have a number of external providers who operate from the school site, please make contact directly with these provisions should you wish your child to take part.

The organisers should be contacted directly with any questions about changes to schedule or reporting absence.   

Monday and Tuesday 3pm. Contact email:


Tuesday 7pm and Thursday 3pm. Contact email:


Friday 3.30pm. Contact email