The Spring term has been short (and very wet!) but we have achieved so much. Thank you for your continued support for your children and for our school. I hope you manage to have a break over the Easter holiday and we look forward to welcoming everyone back on Tuesday 16th April.
Egg-cellent eggs!
Thank you for supporting our Easter Egg competition, we had so many wonderful entries! We raised £218 - please pay on ParentPay if you haven't managed to do this yet. Reverend Pallent helped us to judge and we awarded prizes to the following children:
Reception - Steven
Y1 - Sophie
Y2 - Joey
Y3 - Cora
Y4 - Alice
Y5 - Alfie
Y6 - Etana and Phoebe (we couldn't choose between them!)
The Island transition days for Y6 have been changed centrally to 4-5th July. This means we have changed Sports Day to Friday 28th June.
Cycling Crocodile
Save the date! Sunday 19th May we will be taking part in the launch of Alternative Transport Week to launch a week when we will be encouraging alternative transport all week. There is a family ride out in town on this day, and we would like as many of us as possible to support.
House Reward
The pebbles have been counted and the results are:
Plemont: 380
L'Etacq: 337
Les Mielles: 461
Grosnez: 411
Les Mielles House Captains have asked the children and they have voted for bringing bikes and scooters for their reward. This will be on Friday 19th April.
After School Clubs
We usually reduce the after-school provision in the summer term as everyone likes to enjoy the sunshine. Next term we will not be continuing with football, but we will have Netball Club Mondays 3-4pm for Y4 and Y5. As the day is changing, please sign up for Netball Squad via Parentpay. Y4 and Y5 netballers can wear PE kit on Mondays (please note Nike Pro leggings are not a substitute for school uniform jogging bottoms or shorts.)
We will arrange a football practice for the children playing in the Minor Cup final against St Lawrence, once the fixture is booked.
Today Year 5 and 6 had the opportunity to dust for finger prints like detectives.
Year 1 and 2 went on a hunt for mini-beasts and surveyed the number that they found.
Check the link to the Cycle Crocodile facebook page to see what they are up to follow our facebook page by clicking here Cycle Crocodile. Please contact the school office if you would like your child to join the group.
If you need to contact the school with any queries please check our web page for links to our online forms Contact Us