We are holding a meeting on Monday 17th June at 6pm for anyone willing and able to help us plan a Summer Fair. Last year, we didn't have enough support to be able run it and as we are so small, perhaps every other year is more achievable for us. The date of the fair is Friday 12th July.
Sports Day -
UNCRC article #29
Our annual Sports Day is in the calendar for Friday 28th June. Families are welcome to join us on the field from 10am. The children will take part in house group activities, with some running races at the end. Children are invited to wear a t-shirt of the colour of their house, PE shorts and trainers. Children will return to classes at 12pm for lunch and it's a normal 3pm pick up.
UNCRC article #28
Lyndale has provided us with some 'try on' uniform pieces in a range of sizes. They are all in ages and measurements but if you would like to try before you do an online order, come to the office.
Kids Triathlon
UNCRC Article#24
Thank you for supporting Blood Cancer, Jersey, last weekend. We had an incredible 42% turnout and the event was excellent. Well done to Beau, who individually collected the most sponsorship. The children shared their experiences in assembly this week and were all rightly proud of their achievements.
Parent Forum
UNCRC article #3
This is scheduled for Monday 1st July at 6pm. Please let me know if there is something you would like to add to the agenda for discussion or clarification. I will share an agenda nearer the time. So far I have building updates including servery plans for hot lunches, staffing arrangements for September and curriculum plans.
Pick up changes
UNCRC article #3
Thank you for supporting the changes to pick up arrangements. Y5/6 are waiting on the grass bank on the left of the blue gate and Y3/4 on the right and this is helping staff to identify who has not been collected. I have spoken to the children about waiting patiently for Mr Hill to open the gate and reminded them that they are not allowed to climb the green gate.
Sports Kit
UNCRC article #31
If you have any netball or football kit at home, please can you return it. This applies to children who are here next year, as well as Y6. Thank you.
Check the link to the Cycle Crocodile facebook page to see what they are up to follow our facebook page by clicking here Cycle Crocodile. Please contact the school office if you would like your child to join the group.
If you need to contact the school with any queries please check our web page for links to our online forms Contact Us