Thank you for ensuring the children left safely yesterday. Most of the wood is being cleared today and we are keeping the trunk as logs for seating in our nature garden. We don't know how long the front entrance will be out of action for so for now we will keep to field and church gates. Mr Hill will do the crossing by the field gate. The side gate will be unlocked and staffed during break times so that visitors to site can enter that way. The gates and the wall are listed; this may add a complication to the repair timelines.
Please take a look as there were discussions and decisions made around class photos, fundraising and online safety.
Children in Key Stage 2 will now be able to use their Ed Shed log in to practise spellings on Ed Shed. The spellings set will be the Y3/4 and Year 5/6 Statutory spellings, rather than the weekly spelling patterns. Each week, 5 games will be set, but children are free to practise more if they wish. Children have been given replacement log ins this week.
These activities are optional, but can be completed in addition to their required spelling practice in their books.
KS2 now have their log ins for Purple Mash.
BBC Children In Need - Friday 15th November
Thank you for supporting our dress down day. As a school we raised £441 which is incredible. Well done to Olive, Joanie and Joey who raised £60 by walking round the reservoir.
Uniform thank you
Thank you for supporting the school uniform policy, particularly with unbranded socks which are plain white or navy. This issue was raised at Parent Forum and supported by all parents who attended. The uniform policy hasn't changed and we are only making parents aware because changes have crept in. Les Quennevais report to us each year that the Les Landes children have noticeably high expectations of their work, behaviour and uniform.
At Parent Forum we agreed to trial a parent group focussing solely on fundraising for the school. Initially, we will set up a WhatsApp so that parents can share ideas and then bring these to school for agreement. If you would like to join this group, please email admin.
Online safety steering group
Article #27, 34, 36
We would like to put together a group of interested parents to coordinate workshops for parents around online safety. Initially, the group will look at raising awareness of the risks, ways parents can talk to their children and restrictions which can be put in place around devices. If you would like to be part of this work, please email admin in the first instance.
Hot lunches
As we reach the end of the second week of hot lunches, the feedback has been really positive. Children are eating really well and enjoying seconds. We have changed the routines at lunchtime so that children all eat in the hall and this is proving to be calm and sociable. Thank you for getting to grips with the system for ordering. The children have requested ketchup -at the moment we are saying no to this whilst we refine the routines, ensure all allergies are known, children are collecting the right meals etc. We can review this in the new year.
We have more children wearing earrings and we have sought clarification around expectations for PE. The Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity guidance (PESSPA) strongly recommend the removal of all personal effects including earrings / body piercings at the commencement of every PE lesson, so this is what we follow. This is also supported by CYPES. Studs or sleepers are fine for everyday but they either have to take them out before coming to school on PE days, or be taken out prior to the lesson. If the child can't remove them, they can't do PE. If there are children who have recently, parents will need to provide tape for the first six weeks. Moving forward, we recommend that this happens at the start of a long holiday. Any questions, please ask your child's class teacher.
Check the link to the Cycle Crocodile facebook page to see what they are up to follow our facebook page by clicking here Cycle Crocodile. Please contact the school office if you would like your child to join the group.
If you need to contact the school with any queries please check our web page for links to our online forms Contact Us