Plemont 332, Les Mielles 258, Grosnez 368 and L'Etacq 369
On Friday 8th January, L'Etacq are invited to bring a game or toy they can share with others as their house reward. No electronic games please.
Fundraising thanks
Thank you for supporting Save the Children on Christmas Jumper Day. We raised £147.50.
Thank you for donating to the Grace Trust after our carol Service, too. We raised £300.
Hot Lunches
The first week back of hot lunches need to be ordered by 25th December. We have added weekly cut off days to the dates below.
Happy Christmas
It's the longest of the three school terms and we have achieved so much. From sporting events to fundraisers, accreditations to falling trees, it's been a jam-packed term.
I hope you all have time over Christmas to reflect on your child's progress and achievements; we are so proud of each one of them.
Have a wonderful break over Christmas. We look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 6th January.
Check the link to the Cycle Crocodile facebook page to see what they are up to follow our facebook page by clicking here Cycle Crocodile. Please contact the school office if you would like your child to join the group.
If you need to contact the school with any queries please check our web page for links to our online forms Contact Us