The fundraising group of parents has arranged a number of events which have been added to the calendar. These will be in addition to the usual charity events such as Children in Need and will raise money for the school. The school benefits significantly from the fundraising we do; this year we want to improve the playground equipment and games, continue the Now Press Play audio provision and increase the number of iPads available in every class...and we would like new bike racks!
Please have a look through the calendar and add the dates to your diary. The first event is a Valentine's Day Bake Sale, details in the next newsletter.
House charities will be selected on 5th February.
Parent Workshop Monday 3 March 5.45pm
The Early Intervention Team from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) are running a workshop at school for parents. The focus is 'Understanding and Managing Emotions' and is suitable for all parents of children of all ages. This is a great opportunity for parenting support. Please sign up via ParentPay.
Unfortunately, we cannot allow children to wear smartwatches to school. They have messaging facilities and the games and notifications are a distraction. If you would like your child to have a smartwatch when they go home, the watch will need to stay in the office and be collected at home time. Thank you.
Hot lunches
We have a number of children not liking the hot food which has been ordered for them and we cannot give them a different menu choice. As the food has been available for a while now, please try and order what you know they like. Also, we have a number of children bringing a packed lunch incase they don't like the hot lunch which has been ordered for them and some are eating a mixture of the two. This is difficult for us to manage and it is not the intention of the hot lunch provision. The children should be having either a packed lunch or a hot lunch. Thank you
Art competition
The Eco team has shared the details of this competition with the children.
Check the link to the Cycle Crocodile facebook page to see what they are up to follow our facebook page by clicking here Cycle Crocodile. Please contact the school office if you would like your child to join the group.
If you need to contact the school with any queries please check our web page for links to our online forms Contact Us