This week, our Cycling Crocodile was awarded 'Best Whole School Initiative' by Climate Jersey for our commitment to active travel and sustainable transport. The Cycling Crocodile is a defining feature of our school, and we are so grateful to everyone who supports it. Please keep an eye on the Crocodile FB page because we would like to relaunch the rides if the weather is fine next week. All information about rides is posted there.
The Early Intervention Team from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) are running a workshop at school for parents. The focus is 'Understanding and Managing Emotions' and is suitable for all parents of children of all ages. This is a great opportunity for parenting support. Please sign up via ParentPay.
Building work in school
During February half term, encapsulated asbestos will be removed from the ceiling of the staffroom and office. Following this, there will be building work in the gallery and in the staffroom. This means that the staffroom needs to temporarily relocate to the Community Kitchen. For the duration of the work (expected to be 6 weeks) we will be unable to provide food at Breakfast Club. The majority of the cost for Breakfast Club is staffing so we will not be amending the fee during this time. If there is a surplus, the money will go towards new games.
The language of learning
This term, we have revisited the concept of having a Growth Mindset, rather than a fixed one, when approaching learning. We have been encouraging the children to harness the power of 'yet' (I just can't do it, yet), understand that the brain is like a muscle and that good mistakes can help us to learn. The children have looked at a graphic called 'The Learning Pit' which describes stages of new learning. Over half term, we are inviting the children to design their own learning pit graphic and the selected image will be displayed in every classroom.
Valentine's Day Bake Sale
Our first school fundraiser of 2025 will be a Bake Sale next Friday 14th February. We would like to ask for donations to be brought into school on the day. Children will be able to buy a cake at breaktime, with prices between 50p and £2. The remaining cakes will be sold at 3pm from the hall. If you are able to help sell the cakes, either at 10.30am or 3pm, please let us know.
Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM)
This week, Miss McMenamin and Mrs Price are visiting a London school in the IQM network, to learn from their practice and share ideas. Our reaccreditation is on Wednesday 19th March and the assessor would like to talk to a group of parents. If you are available between 2.30-3pm on this day and would like to be involved, please let us know. I can share with you the actions from the last 12 months and the conversation will be general about how inclusive you consider the school to be. Thank you in advance for your support.
Looking ahead...World Book Day
This year, we will be holding a book sale on Thursday 6th March. If you're having a clear out over half term, please consider saving one or two books for this. We don't have space to store these at school until nearer the time. Details to follow.
WORLD OF FOLKTALES AND LEGENDS by local author, Penny Byrne
This book is being gifted to all pupils in Year 3 and Year 4.
The book contains stories, songs, proverbs and recipes and several stories have been translated into their language of origin. It was commissioned by the International Cultural Centre and will be launched to coincide with International Mother Language Day on 21 February. The books are due to be delivered to school next week.
This week is Children's Mental Health Week, with the theme "Know Yourself, Grow Yourself," encouraging children to recognise ways to support their well-being.
Check the link to the Cycle Crocodile facebook page to see what they are up to follow our facebook page by clicking here Cycle Crocodile. Please contact the school office if you would like your child to join the group.
If you need to contact the school with any queries please check our web page for links to our online forms Contact Us