We have set up tables in the dome for donations of books for our book sale next week. It's lovely to see the engagement fro the children, discussing which ones they would like to read. Please let us have any donations before Thursday 6th March so that we can be sure we have at least one book per child.
Please place your order online by March 21st, 2025.
Brochures will be coming home with your child on World Book Day
Building work in school
Most of the asbestos was successfully removed during half term and the office is operational. The rest will be removed during the Easter break. The staffroom has been temporarily relocated downstairs so that work can commence on making the upstairs work fit for purpose.
Valentine's Day Bake Sale
Thank you for supporting our Bake Sale and a huge thank you to the team who sold the cakes and cleared up too. We made £487.20 for school fund; a fantastic amount.
Residential Trips
Mrs Wiseman has calculated the costs of Crabbe for Y4, Scout Hut for Y4 and St Aubin's Fort for Y5 and payment information has been loaded into ParentPay. We are running these without profit, literally covering the cost of the accomodation, activities and food. If your child is in Y3, Y4 or Y5 please have a look for details.
Good luck, footballers!
Our A team football players have reached the final of the Jersey School's Minor Cup and will be defending the title tomorrow. They play St Lawrence School, for the second year running, in a match at FB Fields at 9.30. All supporters are welcome.
House reward
We have counted the pebbles for the last half term: Grosnez 388, Plemont 354, L'Etacq 341, Les Mielles 287. Grosnez have chosen own games as the reward so children can bring in a game to play with others on Friday 14 March
The Cycling Crocodile is back!
Everyone is welcome, sign up at the office if you haven't been before so we can give your child a high vis vets. We leave the Methodist Church on Rue De Trodez at 8.15am. Dates will be posted on the Crocodile FB page: Facebook
This week is Children's Mental Health Week, with the theme "Know Yourself, Grow Yourself," encouraging children to recognise ways to support their well-being.
Check the link to the Cycle Crocodile facebook page to see what they are up to follow our facebook page by clicking here Cycle Crocodile. Please contact the school office if you would like your child to join the group.
If you need to contact the school with any queries please check our web page for links to our online forms Contact Us